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Creating custom rule

You can create a custom rule while referring to the API document, but it recommends you use the below command:

npx @markuplint/create-rule

Please answer some questions shown.

? What purpose do you create the rule for? …
❯ Add the rule to this project
Create the rule and publish it as a package

In the first question, you should answer either "Add the rule to this project" or "Create the rule and publish it as a package."

Adding to your project

Please answer when it asks for a directory name you want. And answer a rule name you will create.

And choose the languages, either TypeScript or JavaScript. Then decide whether to implement the test.

And then there are the below files created:

  • 📂 [cwd]
    • 📂 [dir-name]
      • 📄 index.ts # or index.js
      • 📂 rules
        • 📄 [rule-name].ts # or [rule-name].js
        • 📄 [rule-name].spec.ts # or [rule-name].spec.js [Optional]

The test code is written in Vitest format. Please rewrite it you need.

Eventually, you should specify it to the configuration to apply it.

"plugins": ["./[dir-name]/index.js"], // Need transpile if the source is TypeScript
"rules": {
"[dir-name]/[rule-name]": true

In the default, the plugin name is the directory name you named which has been [dir-name] in the sample code. You can change it if you want.

import { createPlugin } from '@markuplint/ml-core';

import { ruleName } from './rules/ruleName';

export default createPlugin({
name: '[dir-name]', // 👈 Change here if you want
create(setting) {
return {
rules: {
ruleName: ruleName(setting),

Creating a plugin as a npm package

Please answer when it asks for a plugin name you want. And answer a rule name you will create.

And choose the languages, either TypeScript or JavaScript. Then decide whether to implement the test.

Eventually, there are the below files created:

  • 📂 [cwd]
    • 📄
    • 📄 package.json
    • 📄 tsconfig.json # Only when chose TypeScript
    • 📂 src
      • 📄 index.ts # or index.js
      • 📂 rules
        • 📄 [rule-name].ts # or [rule-name].js
        • 📄 [rule-name].spec.ts # or [rule-name].spec.js [Optional]

How to basic evaluate

Extract the target nodes that are from the document object. And evaluate it then pass it to the report function. The document object has the walkOn method and more, which is the Markuplint-specific method, and it also has native DOM APIs (the querySelector method, etc.) so that you can use both for different purposes in accordance to the use.

async verify({ document, report }) {
// Walking style
await document.walkOn('Element', el => {
if (el.localName === 'div') {
scope: el,
message: 'The div element is found',

// DOM API traversing style
const el = document.querySelector('div');
if (el) {
scope: el,
message: 'The div element is found',

There are two methods to pass a violation to the report function. One is passing a node, as mentioned above. And the other is passing the number of a line and a column, and a string in range.

scope: node, // Specify a node (Element, Attribute, or TextNode, etc.)
message: 'Warning message',

line: 20,
col: 10,
raw: 'string in range',
message: 'Warning message',

Messages i18n

The translate function (There is an alias as t) translates a message.

async verify({ document, report, translate, t }) {
const noTitle = !document.querySelector('title');
if (noTitle) {
line: 1,
col: 1,
raw: '',
message: translate('missing {0}', t('the "{0*}" {1}', 'title', 'element')),
Result in English:
Missing the "title" element
Result in Japanese:

Please see the details of @markuplint/i18n API if needed.


There is only Japanese besides English in the dictionaries currently. We expect your contribution to translating the other languages.